OSA - Events
Nomination Notice for the Alumni Manager Election 2022
Nomination Notice for the Alumni Manager Election 2022
We are glad to invite nominations for the election of the Alumni Manager, who is going to serve a term of office of 2 years starting from the date of registration with the Education Bureau. As stated in the constitution of the Old Students' Association (OSA), the Alumni Manager should report his work to the Association at least twice a year, reflect the opinions of alumni in the Incorporated Management Committee (IMC) of the School and also consult the opinions of alumni through the Association before making important decisions in the IMC, if the situation allows. Any member interested in being a candidate should pay attention to the following items.
The nomination period will be from 7 March to 13 March, 2022.
All nominations shall be made within the nomination period and any nomination received by the Election Committee after 13 March 2022 will be void.
Any member of the OSA is eligible to be nominated as a candidate at the Election.
A person may nominate himself as a candidate at the Election.
A person to be nominated as a candidate at the Election shall obtain valid nominations from no less than three members.
If a member nominates more than one person as candidates at the Election, his first nomination received by the Election Committee shall be valid and all subsequent nominations void.
All nominations should be made by filling in this nomination form (https://docs.google.com/file/d/1R2k90GL61vJYu78cQeXO3di5uxRhXogy/edit?usp=docslist_api&filetype=msword) and send to osaelection@live.ccsc.edu.hk . An e-mail confirming the receipt of a nomination will be sent to the nominee concerned after the nomination is received.
The Election Committee shall inform the validly nominated candidates of their candidate numbers, which will be determined by the drawing of lots, and give notice of such information to all members at the end of the nomination period.
For any nominee who wants to withdraw the nomination, he / she should notice that:
a. such a request should be formally made by informing the Election Committee via e-mail (osaelection@live.ccsc.edu.hk) of the reason(s) for withdrawing from the Election. An e-mail stating the decision of the Election Committee for the application made will then be sent to the nominees concerned; and
b. any request for withdrawal made during or after the promotion period will be announced to all members of the OSA by the Election Committee in the web page of the Association for the reference of the members.
Any member interested in being a candidate at the Election may also refer to the Election Regulations concerned, which have been uploaded to the web page of the OSA.
Election Committee
4 March 2022